My First Thanksgiving

Well this is quite a run we are on here. First Thanksgiving now. Good stuff. We were obviously off to MD to have it there. Standard Turkey, etc. Good stuff. Got to sport this super sweet bib from Great Grandma Vargas. Big run for her too, two posts with GGV gifts in a month. We… Continue reading My First Thanksgiving


Waking up is hard to do…

But do I look good doing it or what? Seriously, dad took this and had to put it up. I think this picture speaks for itself actually so I won’t bore you with words… (NOTE: This was taken on the 7th but dad is just getting around to posting this now.) Related Images:


Annual Holiday Party

Although my visit was short-lived, I managed to make an appearance at the annual holiday party for the first time. Noted as one of the most anticipated parties of the year, this is a tremendous show of culinary excellence, social indulgence, and, of course, wine. Dad spends two days cooking, brining, chopping, dicing, whipping, blending,… Continue reading Annual Holiday Party


I graduate to a real chair…

So this picture is for you great grandma V. This the the chair you bought me. I am finally graduting to it from the smaller version. This and solid food, geesh I am all sorts of growed up. This make cleaning me up a whole lot easier too. Thanks again for the chair. Related Images:


Random Picture

Well seeing as it is getting cold outside, our out-of-the-house adventures are on the decline. To this end, we just don’t have a ton of pics to post here. So, we are moving into a period of “random cuteness” pictures. Although not monumental in scope, these pics are here to simply illustrate how cute I… Continue reading Random Picture


Wheelie’s visit

Dogs and all our house was pretty busy for the last few days. We took this picture on the way put of town. Silly daycare not open for Veteran’s Day so we had to call in the big guns. Related Images:
