Tending to Alfred

I love watching Alfred. Auntie JJ, my call to you. Go away as much as you want. I got this. I got to reach in and let the crickets crawl all up in my hands and then throw them to Alfred to EAT! Man, I love this job. Riley tried to edge in on the… Continue reading Tending to Alfred


Alfred the lizard

Auntie JJ, Uncle Nick and Sam are going on vacation for a few days, so they asked us to watch Alfred for the.  Alfred is their lizard.  He is very big and kinda scary looking.  We have to give him food and water everday.  Food=crickets!  Mommy doesn’t like crickets…but we do so mommy said that… Continue reading Alfred the lizard



When I get quiet for more than 5 minutes, I’m either sick or hiding. Today-I was hiding! Related Images:
