Wizard of Oz

Back to the Pumpkin Theater this year for The Wizard of Oz. brought daddy this time. Related Images:


TPP Art Show 2013

Going to preschool means that we do a lot of art projects throughout the year. Today was our annual art show to show our family and friends our skillz. Here are just a few examples of what I have been working on. Enjoy! Related Images:


First outdoor dinner of the year

Winter left us for the weekend an we took full advantage. Playground yesterday and eating dinner out back by the fire tonight. Spring is almost here! Related Images:


Spackle rocks

Dad had to fix the ceiling after my bathtub leaked all over the place. So, we had a spackle lesson. I learned all about it. Only got a bit on daddy’s head too. One more construction tidbit in my toolbox. Related Images:


A little tease…

So this week we were supposed to get a big snow storm. Instead all we got was rain. And today, it’s 65 degrees. So we are taking advantage and spending some time at the playground. It will probably hurricane tomorrow. Related Images:


Mini daddy

Dad finally breaks down and admits defeat. So mommy is en route home tonight from a trip. So I decided I wanted to stay up until she gets home. I snuck downstairs while dad was doing dishes and scared the hell out of him when he turned around and I was standing there. He made… Continue reading Mini daddy
